If you wish to visit the University of Coimbra, please secure your place by submitting the form at the end of this page. You will then have to make your check-in at the Congress Secretariat (Polo II) to pick-up your congress bag and the tour Voucher.

Once you have your voucher, you can go to the Historical University of Coimbra (Polo I) and find the Group Ticket Office inside the Pátio das Escolas (Palace of Schools), on the left side of the Porta Férrea (Iron Gate), to exchange your voucher for the access ticket. Here you will also be informed about the available hours to visit the Biblioteca Joanina (Joanina Library). You can use your voucher from 5 to 8 December.

Your voucher is for a discounted ticket for a Visit to the University of Coimbra, Program 1 – From the Palace to the College. [price of ticket with discount voucher is 7€]
This is a wider tour to the spaces that made History in the University of Coimbra. This program includes the visit to the Royal Palace (Great Hall of Acts, Private Examination Room and Arms Room), the Chapel of St. Michael, the Baroque Joanina Library (Grand Room, Middle Floor and the Academic Prison) and the College of Jesus, which includes the Physics Laboratory (18th and 19th centuries) and the Natural History Collection (18th century).

1st November to 1st March
Ticket Office: from 9h00 to 12h45 and from 13h45 to 16h30
Tourirst Circuit: From 9h00 to 13h00 and from 14h00 to 17h00.

*Joanina Library, last entries: morning: 12:40h | afternoon: 16:40h.
The Joanina Library opens each 20 min interval. A maximum of 60 people are allowed inside each time. For conservation reasons, access is made via the Academic Prison, which you can access on the lower floor, on the side of the Library at the bottom of the stairs.
Some shelves won’t have books because they are under routine cleaning and conservation work. Books are periodically placed in an Anoxia chamber for 21 days without oxygen which will kill any pests inside them.

You can find out more about your tour here: www.uc.pt/turismo

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