FEMS Early Career Researchers Grants
Please find the FEMS grant result here
Procedures to receive the Grant, the grantees should:
1) Confirm by email their participation in the congress (info@microbiotec19.net; pvmorais@ci.uc.pt ). In the confirmation email, the grantee should provide the information required to perform an electronic bank transfer of the grant value (Full name; IBAN; SWIFT code)
2) Pay the registration
3) The grant will be formally awarded on site, during the conference, upon signature of the FEMS ECS meeting grant form. Payment will only be performed if this requirement is fulfilled.
4) Bank transfer will be performed on the following days after the conference, in accordance with grant values defined
Grantees have to pay for their registration beforehand. Then, during the Congress, grantees will receive 250€ as a reimbursement, after signing the FEMS participation form. Post-Doc grantees have to register as regular SPM members (non-student).
FCTUC Student Grants
The Faculty of Sciences and Technology of University of Coimbra (FCTUC) will offer grants for congress participation of 10 students.
To apply for this grant, you would need to meet the following requirements:
• Be a student of FCTUC
• Have worked with Microbiology or Biotechnology
Application process
Please prepare all the following documents and submit them to pvmorais@ci.uc.pt with the subject “FCTUC Student Grants”:
1. Letter of motivation
2. Curriculum Vitae, including a list of publications
Deadline for application
The deadline for application to FCTUC Student Grants is the 15th of October 2019.